S3 Bucket

How to check for amazon S3 Bucket Misconfiguration.

  • First of all, you need to install aws cli - Pip install awscli

  • Dont Forget to Set: - Access key - Secret key

1. Check is you can list iteams from the bucket. aws s3 ls s3://<bucket name>

  • See if you are able to access that bucket.

  • If the bucket is not accessible, still we can try to exploit it.

  • If you are getting some errors then run this command aws s3 ls s3://<bucket name> --no-sign-request

2. Try moving the files or deleting it and see if you are able to do that or not

  • If it is possible to move files then it is vulnerable and you can report it otherwise it is not vulnerable

  • First Make a file echo "Testing purpose" >> test.txt

  • Now try command to move the file into the bucket. aws s3 mv test.txt s3://<bucket name>

  • Also try command to copy the file from local drive to the S3 bucket. aws s3 cp test.txt s3://[bucketname]/test.txt

3. Delete files from the bucket.

  • Command to delete the file into the bucket aws s3 rm test.txt s3://<bucket name>/test.txt (if that is present)

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